Friday, December 14, 2012

A Cold Night (SOLD)

A cold night with winter moonglow,
soft beams bathe regal pine sentinals,
the shifting breeze stirs whispered messages
not quite audible.

"A Cold Night" 7x11 oil on museum board, copyright Laura Gable (SOLD)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

2013 Calendars

My 2013 calendar is here. These are 4"x6" desk-top sized calendars, printed on 14 pt gloss paper, double sided on 7 pages. They are held in a clear plastic case, which the top flips around to create a holder with easel back for displaying. Each page showcases a piece of artwork created this year. I will have them around December 6th.

Price $12.00 (plus tax of $1.00) = $13.00
[For non-locals: shipping cost is $5. You will be notified how to pay online.]

If you would like a calendar, please let me know your name, email address, how many you would like. If you are outside the Tri-City Washington region, please add your mailing address. Please contact me one of 3 ways:

- by commenting here on this blog:  Click comments below.
- on my studio Facebook page:
- on the contact form of my regular website:  (this is now fixed as of Dec 4. If you sent me a note via this modality in the past couple weeks, I may have missed your note so please try again now. Or try one of the other methods).

Here is the cover art and a sampling of months. If you want to peek at last year's to get an idea what we are talking about, click here.

Cover Art, copyright Laura Gable
February, copyright Laura Gable
March, copyright Laura Gable
June, copyright Laura Gable
September, copyright Laura Gable
calendars ready for sale in the studio.

Thank you for following my blog!