A dear friend of mine thrilled me recently with a purchase of this triptych of grape themed paintings. The center painting is a re-painted revision of a larger painting I did titled
Visionary. They make a lovely statement hung together in a grouping and measure 24 inches tall. She purchased it as a surprise gift for her husband for their 30+ year anniversary. Congratulations my friends.
Living in a prolific grape growing region of southeastern Washington, one is apt to paint a few images of grapes, close views of the foliage, and more distant representations of the rows of vineyards that cover these lovely hillsides. We are blessed with fairly mild growing conditions and long seasons. The amount of wineries and their artful tasting rooms has grown immensely since we've lived here these past 15 years.
Concord Cluster, Visionary Reprised, Golden Cluster ~ oil paintings on cradled masonite panels, ©Laura Gable |
I always enjoy modifying a painting online, and was recently pleased with the way this one turned out. Perhaps the next time I approach a grape themed painting, I might just lean it towards the opposite of the "local" color and abstract it in that way. Sort of like what happens when you digitally alter the image by using the inverse command in Photoshop.
same as above, digitally altered in Photoshop.
Interesting that the blueish purple grapes turn golden and the golden grapes go blue. |