Monday, July 20, 2009


The language of this painting speaks from my heart. I love it's ethereal quality and the sense of movement. I recently read that sunflowers and nests have a sense of commonality, in that they represent a mandala motif. Perhaps that is my connection to the two of them. Mandala is a pattern that allows one to go inside to nurture and to recharge. I was striving for a way to combine a realistic subject matter in a semi abstracted manner. Tell me what you think.
Oil on Canvas

Butterfly and Coneflower

Not an idle moment in the studio. One afternoon, a simple white sketch on black paper was transformed into full color using colored pencils. This delightful creation was the result.
9x11, framed under glass
Colored pencil on paper


I had a wonderful opportunity a few months back to paint with my friend, Kasia, and try out her new Vasari paints. This fun colorful abstract was the result of that meeting. Shortly thereafter, I ordered a set of these luscious hand-made paints out of New York. I am in love with their buttery quality, saturation and open time. Very nice addition to my pallette.
Canvas on gatorboard