Friday, October 26, 2012

86 Fire and Ice Goddess

85 "Fire and Ice Goddess", 12x12 oil on clayboard, copyright Laura Gable
Using a nice wide palette knife, I spread some gesso thickly in the center of this clayboard, forming the shape of a figure. So it has a bas-relief sort of feel. After it dried overnight, it made for some enjoyable effects when the thinned oil paint was skimmed over the top. I wanted to depict the goddess standing between sun and moon, but the more I started to develop the painting, the more I realized that most of the elements were emerging. Can you see them all??

She has already survived a lot, as she landed face first on my hardwood floor here at home. Fortunately she had a light coating of paint, unlike some of the prior juicy painted surfaces I've done recently. So not much was disturbed in the "butter side down" debacle. I just added a few tiny stones and dust from my messy floor (which have been removed.)

She has such wonderful movement and flow. This one was truly inspired and I feel I really got "out of the way" and just let it happen.

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